Monday, April 24, 2006

Little Lady

Little Lady 1, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

She got all dressed up to go out for Daddy's birthday dinner.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Arms Out and Concentrate

What A Day 42, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

I Did It!!

What A Day 37, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

I made it all the way across without losing my balance!

Stopping to Pick a Flower

What A Day 19, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

We hiked all the trails around the falls... Cassidy had to stop for this pretty flower.

Push Me Higher!

What A Day 39, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

We can't trust her in a normal swing.... she likes to go high, then gets brave and tries to jump out... so she is relegated to the safety swings :)

Having A Great Time

What A Day 10, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

It was a beautiful day that started out with having a great time at the park.


Ouch!, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Brandon found out the hard way that older kids push the Merry-go-Round much faster than his little legs will travel. It started out as a fun day in the park and ended with a trip to the immediate care center and 5 stitches.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My Best Friend

My Best Friend, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Finally, one of my animals actually talks back when we are having a conversation.

Happy Birthday Uncle Mike

Broadband -- CLICK HERE


The Hunt is Over

The Hunt is Over, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

.... and we are happy with our haul!

Loving The Hunt

Egg Hunt 10, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

There's Another One!

Egg Hunt 2, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Chocolate for Breakfast

Chocolate for Breakfast, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Is there any more chocolate for me???

I Got A Basket!

Easter Morning, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Filled with candy and toys..... I Love Easter!

Dying Eggs and Loving It

Dying Eggs, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


100_0379, originally uploaded by thenortonsonline2.

It's not every day you see a monkey dressed up like a bunny.

Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny, originally uploaded by thenortonsonline2.

Cassidy loved the Easter Bunny (just as long as Mom didn't go anywhere)!

A New Wagon

100_6615, originally uploaded by thenortonsonline2.

Dump Truck??? I thought it was a wagon. Would someone push me please?!!

Waiting For Nice Weather

100_6623, originally uploaded by thenortonsonline2.

Brandon can't wait until it gets nicer out so he can get all his big trucks outside in the sand.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


100_6610, originally uploaded by thenortonsonline2.

Brandon created the most dangerous robot he could using every available piece and part as a gun, a trap, or cannon. He was very proud of his creation.