Thursday, July 26, 2007

So, How Far Can We Go?!!

Swimming 2, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Pay Attention!! I am being Adorable!!

Helmet Head 3, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

It kills Cassidy to have to sit through Brandon's baseball games and have all the attention focused somewhere other than on her.

King Of The Rock!

Riverstone Park 9, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ready For The Pitch

T-Ball 4, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Let's Try The Balance Beam

Gymnastics, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Lump #1 and Lump #2

Best Friends 5, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

It's nice to have someone to cuddle with when you are tired. The two of them share thier favorite activity as often as they can; lounging around on the couch.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Two, Four, Six, Eight.....

Game Day 16, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

I Survived!

Game Day 21, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

It was 98 degrees and he had team pictures followed by a double header. After 3 hours in the blazing sun, all the kids were ready to go out for ice cream.

Gymnastics 1

Gymnastics Day 15, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Cassidy started gymnastics and absolutely loves it!

Gymnastics 2

Gymnastics Day 29, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Gymnastics 3

Gymnastics Day 34, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Can We Trade Cassidy?

100_1889, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

...but I want to stay with the monkeys

100_1881, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

I Think He Fits Right In :)

100_1882, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

The Little Monkey Is Finally Home

100_1886, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

The Cutest Butterfly In The World

100_2909, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Cassidy Found A Friend

100_2954, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Brandon Did Too!

100_2959, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Cassidy Found a New Home

100_2975, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Brandon Found One Too!

100_2989, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Strike A Pose

100_2995, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.


100_2896, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Aunt Sheila asked if he could take a picture of the penguins for her. He took that assignment very seriously.

Playing it Cool

100_3122, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

In The Bear Cave

100_2998, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

It Bit Me!

100_3039, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Relaxing in the Rainforest

100_3048, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Just Happy

100_3053, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Wanna Ride?

100_3123, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Sunday, July 08, 2007


100_2735, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

It was the one big thing she was looking forward to doing on the trip. Sitting in the big dinosaur footprint.

Just Hanging Out

100_2737, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Cool, A Big Microscope

100_2829, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Enjoying The Science Center

100_2850, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Stop and Pose

100_2857, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Cassidy Elated

100_2866, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

She just found an entire case of baby triceratops

Cassidy Crushed

100_2868, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

She just realized that one of the baby triceratops was dead

Cassidy In Paradise

100_3581, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Dinosaurs and a water area.... what more could a girl want?


100_3582, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Almost Done For The Day

Aquarium 83, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Of Course We Made Them Do It!

Aquarium 43, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

What kind of parents would we be if we didn't make the kids stick their head through every picture we came across at every place we visited!?

Not So Innocent

Aquarium 48, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

sure she looks cute and all.... but looks can be deceiving.

New Career

100_2602, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Brandon decided while we were on vacation that he would practice poses for his big modeling career.

Pure Concentration

100_2564, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

He was concentrating so hard on landing the shuttle, we didn't want to tell him it was just a simulation.

Cassidy and I at The Museum Of Flight

100_2569, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Friday, July 06, 2007

We Ordered A Volcano For Desert

Rainforest Cafe 1, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

The Gorge

The Gorge 14, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

He found the only shady spot the area had to offer

Cassidy and Daddy

The Gorge 8, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Just Waiting For The Parade To Start

4th Of July Parade 1, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Too Cool

4th Of July Parade 14, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.


Fireworks 21, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

We did fireworks for just under 3 hours. Brandon took 650 pictures of them.

Smoke Bombs...

Fireworks 2, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Gotta Love 'Em