Wednesday, January 28, 2015


It's Dino-Ethan
 Goalie Work
 Mom.... Stop taking pictures!

 Ok... Cheese!!
 Not sure Ethan would approve.  Sophie seems to have found a blankie to cuddle with.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Smiles and Playing at the Field

 This is the first night he has, not only been mostly smiles, but also able to run and play and enjoy hanging out at practice like he used to.
 I said "Give me your best soccer pose."  This is what the little nerd gave me. :)

 Unfortunately.... the medicine he takes sometimes makes it hard to determine what kid you will get from one minute to the next.
 I had planned on taking some pictures of the team practicing..... I got very few.  This was a pretty awesome header from Brandon into the goal tho!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Please Mom!?

Ethan spotted a bike he thought was just perfect for him.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ethan's Style

He was insistent on wearing 2 different soccer shoes to the field today.  Stylin'

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sunny Day Out

Needed to get this kid outside for some fresh air and exercise.
 Brandon used the time at the park to get some juggling practice in.

 While the boys played at the park, Cassidy went around the neighborhood trying to sell chocolate bars for her class fundraiser.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Incredible Shrinking Ethan

Besides the dark circles under his eyes, he is looking more and more like himself again.  Of course, as he continues the medication, his appearance will change again, but we are happy that he has gotten rid of 90% of that extra water weight he was carrying around!
Today's weight 39lbs 2oz

Saturday, January 17, 2015


One of the many side effects of the prednisone is dark circles under the eyes.  Unfortunately for Ethan he seems to be prone to many of the drug's side effects.
 His weight keeps going down. 40lbs 2oz this morning
 I finally finished Ethan's special quilt.  He picked all of the fabric out a while ago, and has been patiently waiting for me to find the time to make it for him.
 I think he approves of the finished product

Friday, January 16, 2015

Food Facts

Ethan is on a low sodium diet now.  He has to keep his intake between 1200-1700mg a day.  It may sound like a lot... but it is not!  This is one of his favorite breakfast! Only 230mgs!
 Lunch time and he is enjoying an apple and some pasta.  Feeling pretty good today!
 He weighed in at 41lbs this morning!


As his kidneys start working right.... his body is slowly getting rid of all that extra fluid

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hitting the Mat

She's trying hard.... she has some learning to do, but is willing to take a few beatings while she figures it out.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Pediatric Nephrologist

It was kind of like in the movies.... the unknown is terrifying.  My vision narrowed, the hall got really long, and the door seemed to take forever to get to.


 Once we were in the office, they broke out the color sheets.  We had A LOT of talking in our future. They weighed him in at 45lbs 8oz.
 Pretty much sums it up!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Another Good Day

Still a little tired, but pretty smiley this morning
 It was such a nice day, I convinced him to go outside with me and play for a bit.  He made it about 10 min before he needed to "rest"

 Sweet Sophie Dog

He wanted to come to practice so bad. However, once we got here, his legs were too tired to do much running around, so we sat and watched the boys play.