Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'm Not Doing Anything......

100_8739, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

How 'bout them apples?

100_8743, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

She had her hands (and mouth) full, but at least it was something good for her.

Neat Little Cabin

100_8774, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Perfect size log cabin for the kids... complete, with a porch swing.


100_8771, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

someone made a trap big enough to catch the pest we have running around the house!! :)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Fun With The Camera

Fun With The Camera 29, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Just The Three Of Us

Fun With The Camera 16, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

The kids and I spent the afternoon enjoying the sunshine and decided to have a little fun playing with the camera timer.

Deep In Thought

Fun With The Camera 33, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.


Fun With The Camera 46, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

First Day of School

First Day of School, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

So excited... he started Preschool today and couldn't wait for me to put the camera down so we could get going,


Triceratops Girl 1, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

This mask is going to get a lot of wear!!


Spokane Fair 67, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

You can tell Cassidy is very anxious to get going!!

The Little Swing...

Spokane Fair 43, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

.....Still Fun!

Jump To The Finish!

Spokane Fair 26_1, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Cassidy Fairy

Cassidy Fairy 5, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Cassidy came up with this character Wed morning. She was in her purple cape, tinkerbell wings and skirt, Silver slippers and matching tiara, and of course pink beads to finish the outfit. She wore this through nap time until around 5 pm. At that point she disappeared into her room and emerged as Batman, who she stayed dressed like until bedtime. It was a fun day for imagination!

In Case You Were Wondering.....

Cassidy Fairy 11, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Yes, she can fly

Monday, September 04, 2006

Cassidy Gets Into Character

Dress Up Fun 9, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

A Big Cousin to Look Up To

Paul Bunyan Days 31, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Brandon loves ya Andrew!

Best Of The Bunch

Paul Bunyan Days 9, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Well, this was about the best of the bunch, all the kids are almost looking, kind of, in the same direction.