The kids went over to exchange gifts with their friends.... Cassidy, obviously loved her gift. :) Showing off her new accessories. Brandon loves his new sweatshirt "like Cade's".
It snowed... just a little. I took the first 3 pictures at 8:30 in the morning.... it finally stopped snowing about 9:00 that night.
By 11:00, The kids were ready to play out in all that white stuff while I attempted to unbury the sidewalk. ^--- On the sidewalk ready to wade out into the yard.
^--- In the middle of the front yard. The kids are standing here! Cassidy found a rock to stand on so I could see her better. :)
Halle and Cassidy enjoying the first big snowstorm of the winter. After they came in from the cold and downed their hot cocoa, it was time to make some holiday cookies!
Cassidy had gone prepared. She had written Santa a list (unbeknown to us) and presented him with it when he asked what she wanted for Christmas. Her list was pretty simple. It just said Easy Bake Stuff. :)