Waiting For The Fireworks
Brandon told me... "Mom, I'm really getting to like that Gabrian. He's very cute for a little kid."
The Morning after the Fireworks....
It's official. Cassidy is ready for school. We went today and she took a tour of the classroom, the library, and the playground. When she saw the big box of dinosaurs up on a shelf she gave preschool the stamp of approval! After the tour, it was off to the salon to get a much needed hair cut. :)
Brandon has been practicing and practicing. All of the practice finally paid off. Today, Brandon jumped in, floated, and earned his ribbon!
Cassidy earned her first ribbon in swim class yesterday. In order to earn the ribbon, they have to go to the deep end of the pool, jump in, turn over onto their backs and successfully float for 1 min. She was very very proud. Brandon didn't quite make it yesterday, but is hoping to earn his ribbon next week.