Saturday, May 29, 2010

Having Fun at a Baseball Party

We forgot to explain baseball to Cass before the party... she had no idea what she was doing. LOL!

Their friend had a baseball party in the park. The rain held off for the parents vs. kids game, but the sky opened up before cake time. Luckily, we had a canopy big enough to house all the kids. :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Brandon's New Bike

Brandon was so excited! He got a new Mt. Bike... his favorite part, it has 21 gears, so he can really get hauling now!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Presentation Practice

Brandon had to give a presentation at school. He had to demonstrate how to make something for his class. He decided to show the class how to make bird feeders with pinecones. He was practicing giving his speech and doing the demonstration the weekend before. :)

Last Game of the Season

The Kick-Off!

It was a great game! It ended in a tie...1-1
After the game, it was time for a little celebration! Our team won the sportsmanship award for their age division. Both us coaches received a t-shirt, and framed certificate. Each player got a sports bag and water bottle that say 2010 sportsmanship winners. The kids were very excited!

Boys and girls... the girls' table sat and drank their Rootbeer floats with no problems... the boys' table was busy blowing bubbles in theirs to see who's would foam out the top first.

As usual, the season ended with trophies and smiles. Sad to see it end, but it will be nice to have a few free evenings every week!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Beautiful Night to Play at the Park

Chicken Little
Yes, we feed her.... but nothing seems to be sticking!

Fun on the tire swing!

It was a gorgeous night, so the kids and I packed up dinner and headed to the park to eat and play! So nice just to be outdoors!!

Another Soccer Season... Almost Over!

Cassidy. Take that Ball!

One of these players is not like the others! Brandon going for the goal!
Poor Brandon... this happens A LOT!

Go Cassidy!