Saturday, June 28, 2008

Camping Day One


Brandon "camping"

So this is camping? What do we do now?

We went exploring by the river

and spent a little time encouraging good behavior.

Cassidy didn't understand that she didn't have to hold her shorts up while wading 3 inches into the river...they would stay dry.

OK, Forget staying dry!

OOOHHH! Rocks make neat splashes! Just be sure you are no where near her when she's throwing... they don't always go the direction they are intended.

Brandon, doing some more "camping". :)

I call this look the campfire stare. The glazed over spaced out look he kept getting whenever a fire was lit.

Starting to get into this whole camping thing.

Brandon's favorite part of the whole trip was when he got to poke at the flames and catch sticks on fire every time someone built a fire in the pit.

Cassidy of course was quick to join the fun (and yes.. I was worrying and fussing over the two little pyros the entire time they were doing it)

Day Two

A Little Early Morning Sunshine

Can't go camping without friends

Only in North Idaho can you set out on a hike on a 95 degree day and have a snowball fight on the trail along the way. :)

The first waterfall on the hike

Of course we had to get a picture!

Brandon found a little cave

and Cassidy had to stand in it too!

Hiking Up, Up, Up...

Until we came to the next Waterfall!

Jeff and the kids by the falls

Jeff is climbing into position to try to get a picture of the kids and I with the falls in the background.

He did it. :)


On the road there were these bizzare concrete logs that stretched across the places in the little road that were washed out by the creek every year. They were interesting to drive on and, at first glance, looked like you were going to drive your car across a suspension bridge.

More Fun On Day Two

Cassidy, not so sure this is going to be as fun as she thought...

Ok... moving now. This is going to be a blast!

Brandon's turn and he's a little nervous...

Started moving... still not so sure. Luckily he relaxed and decided that it was really fun to ride with Dad.

Found a log to climb on

Brandon is officially bored in this picture.

Time to go to the river. Don't let Cassidy fool you. The water was not just cold.. it was freezing!

I had to bet Brandon a dollar he wouldn't sit in it.... he really wanted that dollar!

Of course when you are 4, you can take a little cold if it means lots of fun!

Brandon... decided it was time to return to camp for some dry clothes.

Cassidy decided she wanted to go back to the river... so the two of us went exploring and she found a treasure to bring back to camp.

Brandon, after drying off and changing, opted for a nap in one of the tents.

Cassidy was playing as quietly as she plays.. waiting for Brandon to get up, or dinner, whichever came first.

After a long day of exploring... it was time to snuggle up by the fire.

Day Three

100_7581, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

The camera battery gave out shortly into day 3, but not before I was able to capture the coolest part of camping for the kids. Breaking all the rules and having a hot dog for breakfast! After 3 days and over 320 pictures, it was near impossible to sort through and try to capture the weekend in just a few photos, but we all had a good time and were glad to get back home to soak off some of the grime. :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


100_7289, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Enjoying the Pool

100_7300, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Plotting His Next Move

100_7306, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Race For The Water Balloons

100_7318, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

We Found A Neat Playground!

100_7268, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Just Look At Those Slides!

100_7265, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.


100_7275, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.

Cross your arms and go!

100_7269, originally uploaded by Bre_Norton.