Friday, June 13, 2008

The Big Project

While Jeff was in Kansas I was hoping to get a playhouse built for the kids.... Unfortunately, the weather had some plans of it's own and rained 9 of the 13 days he was gone. So.. I did a lot of building in the garage and the kids helped me assemble in between rain showers. We didn't get it all the way done, but did make some good progress.

The Starting Point

Look! We Have a floor!

Back Wall

Front Wall, Complete with Door and Window

Side Wall 1

Side Wall 2

Put them all together and....

The sides are finally closed in... just in time for the sky to really open up and pour!

15 min before I had to leave for work, I managed to get the first two triangles of the roof nailed in.

Finally, a nice day.. the roof is framed up and ready.. and I started cutting the windows out. Unfortunately half way through the second one, the blade on the jigsaw broke and the project came to a stop until I get to the hardware store for another blade!

I still have the roof to finish and the siding to go up... and of course all those small fun finishing details, but it is looking like a playhouse and I managed to get a good dent in the huge project I was attempting to tackle. Hopefully when Jeff gets home tonight and sees the monstrosity that I erected in our back yard he will remember that I DID mention the dimensions before he left. :)

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