Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 2

Good Morning! A little sunshine and a cup of Joe.... everyone gets a bit crazy.
Of course, once breakfast was gone it was time to ride bikes!
We took a walk along to river to explore a bit. You can literally walk for miles and miles along the river! So fun.
Getting ready to drive up to the falls for a hike.
The boys decided to climb down and walk in behind the waterfall.
So so gorgeous!
Brandon and Cade climbed a LONG way up this bank.... a little nerve racking!
Such a pretty girl.
Hiking the trail to Shadow Falls.

Done with the hike... getting ready to head back to camp.
Throwing big rocks in the river... the boys spent tons of time filling the river with more rocks.
The boys sent a couple of sailboats down the river. They had their name and an "if found please email" message on them. So far... no news. :)
"Ummm... I think my boat just sank!"
Cooking the dogs over the fire....
...and enjoying them once they are done!
Time to poke at the fire again! I just love the zombie like stares that come along with it.

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