Monday, August 17, 2009

Riding the Hiawatha Trail

All ready to start riding!
The first tunnel is just under 2 miles long and very, very dark. It's called the Taft Tunnel.

When you come out the end of the first tunnel there is a neat little waterfall. Very pretty.

The view was gorgeous no matter where you looked! You could see one of the many tressels we would eventually be crossing (left), and where we would be on the trail in another hour or so (right).

Only 13 miles to go!!

Along the trail there are multiple tunnels to go through and tressels to cross. The opportunities for pictures are endless!

Finally made it to the end, and yes, we paid the $9 for a shuttle ride back to the Taft tunnel. Poor Cassidy had her little bike which unfortunately has little tires. The rest of us were able to pedal and coast... she had to pedal her heart out the ENTIRE time! She did it... and without complaint. :)
The shuttle dropped us off at the end of the Taft Tunnel. So all we had left standing between us and the car was another very long cold ride in the dark.

Jeff and Brandon were a good clip ahead of us, but set up so they could catch Cassidy and I coming out. It was a long, but very fun ride!

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