Friday, December 02, 2016

Happy Birthday Cassidy!!

It's official!  She's now a teenager!
Happy Birthday Cassidy!
Cassidy had a half day at school, so she got to come home and open some presents with us before Jeff had to leave for work.  Unfortunately, she also had a wrestling meet the same day, so she had to go back to school at 2:30 to get ready for the meet.

She really really really wanted to get a pin this match!
She didn't end up with the win, but she didn't get pinned either.  
She has improved quite a bit over the last year.  I had to remind her that her win/loss record was the same this year as last year.  Last year she wrestled JV all season and was pinned twice.  This year, her last 3 matches were Varsity matches and she did not give up one pin in any of her 7 matches. Both losses were in points.  
After her match, we picked up the boys and went out for a quick birthday dinner, followed by cake at home for dessert. 

Birthday Photos HERE

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